
Hello, Mindfulness.

Good day to you all! I hope the sun is shining and you are having the most wonderful day, wherever in the world you are! However, what if you're not having the most perfect day - let's talk about that. I've recently finished eight weeks of work with the lovely young people of the UK,… Continue reading Hello, Mindfulness.


Hello, world: a letter (1)

Dear world, I think everyone can share a story of where they have felt ungrateful or upset about their lives. Here I am spreading my gratitude and positivity towards mine. Recent, unexpected events have made me value my time on this planet more than I had prior, a very sad event, but I am grateful… Continue reading Hello, world: a letter (1)


Hello, uni so far.

Hey there! It's been a long time since I've done a blog post. Since moving to uni I've 100% been run off my feet, but I'm having some of the best moments of my life - and I'm only 4 months in. So here's a quick little post on some of the things I've learnt… Continue reading Hello, uni so far.


Hello, Positivity.

  Hello, people! Paige here to have a little chat on this rainy afternoon. Let us begin.. Anybody who knows me well would probably already being laughing at this post, "Paige being positive, no!" It's safe to say that positivity is something I generally lack in, I may cover this fact up by claiming to… Continue reading Hello, Positivity.


Hello, Large Letters.

(L) What happened to all the recipes and light-hearted jibber jabber on this blog? Well, it's time to tackle a big question, cause that's what keeps things interesting!   Now, we're not debating the existence of God here. With regards to our beliefs, Paige is an Atheist, whereas I like the ideology of a supreme… Continue reading Hello, Large Letters.


Change, Hello.

^ Aren't we a witty couple. The featured photo was from January 4th 2015, the ones in the post start in 2014!   (L) This post is about change. Not the annoying pennies gathering fluff in your trouser pocket, but change, the scariest thing imbued with so much ambiguity and wonder that it almost becomes… Continue reading Change, Hello.

Recipes, Uncategorized

Hello, D-DIY Brownies.

Today we made "special" brownies... ...and by special we mean NUTELLA *yay*. Shame on you for having detrimental stereotypes of teenagers. Lol jokes, luv u. So, on a serious note, we did in fact make egg-free, Nutella brownies! We cook a lot, so expect the odd recipe here and there! Found below is a rough… Continue reading Hello, D-DIY Brownies.