
Hello, Eco Anxiety

Eco-Anxiety refers to a fear of environmental damage or ecological disaster. This is undoubtedly heightened over recent times as we fear reaching a 'tipping point' of no-return from the damage as humans we have caused to our beautiful world. With our digital lives never on pause, there is a constant stream of information never far away… Continue reading Hello, Eco Anxiety


Hello, 2021

What can be said about 2020? I'm not sure I have the literary capacity to effectively put into words what a rollercoaster 2020 has been. From a personal perspective I can recognise the highs and lows of the year but from a global perspective it's overwhelming trying to find credible resources to make a judgement… Continue reading Hello, 2021


Hello, Coffee Crisis

Hello my lovelies! How many of you look forward to starting your day with a warm cup of coffee? Or splash out on an iced latte around lunch time? I know I do! As a barista I am somewhat of a coffee nerd and found myself contemplating the effect climate change might have on this… Continue reading Hello, Coffee Crisis


Hello, For Your World.

Last week I participated in Climate Reality Leadership Corps training along with thousands of others from all around the world! This was led by Al Gore who presented a 4-part melodrama conveying the tragedy of our environment. I engaged in a range of panels discussing the importance of Youth Action for the climate strike. Our… Continue reading Hello, For Your World.


Hello, Climate Story.

What would a better world look like to you? For me, I imagine a much greener space than the semi-concrete city of Bristol.  I leave work (hopefully at a youth action organisation) in an easily-found sustainable outfit, drinking an oat-milk iced latte -made more accessible by the fact that all coffee shops now offer dairy-free… Continue reading Hello, Climate Story.


Hello, Wanderlust.

As some of you may have noticed, I kept WordPresses standard 'Hello Traveller' message on my blog - because I found it fit with my vibe. What I wanted this blog to be about. I consider myself a Traveller as I try and explore the world at every chance I get. It's not as often… Continue reading Hello, Wanderlust.


Hello, Mindfulness.

Good day to you all! I hope the sun is shining and you are having the most wonderful day, wherever in the world you are! However, what if you're not having the most perfect day - let's talk about that. I've recently finished eight weeks of work with the lovely young people of the UK,… Continue reading Hello, Mindfulness.


Hello, Protein Power Flapjacks.

Hello gang! It's easy to feel motivated to workout when the sun is shining, the days feel longer, there's more time to stay active and we're all after those bikini bods. But these super quick and easy flapjacks will keep your fitness game up as you crave these post-workout treats! Ingredients: 300g Rolled Oats 4… Continue reading Hello, Protein Power Flapjacks.


Hello, Adventure.

Hello, Hello! Why-ay, it's been such a busy last few months! But I'm back again to talk about the liberation I've found the past five days in the Peak district! I headed up with work to just outside the town of Leek,to the rock formations: Henclouds and The Roaches. I scrambled, rock climbed, absailed, spent… Continue reading Hello, Adventure.


Hello, LIV Village.

I wanted to share the story of a charity close to my heart, to try to reach out to some of you to donate and spread a good word or at least keep them in your thoughts and share their story. In short, LIV survives to give homeless or endangered, vulnerable children homes and families.… Continue reading Hello, LIV Village.