
Change, Hello.

^ Aren't we a witty couple. The featured photo was from January 4th 2015, the ones in the post start in 2014!   (L) This post is about change. Not the annoying pennies gathering fluff in your trouser pocket, but change, the scariest thing imbued with so much ambiguity and wonder that it almost becomes… Continue reading Change, Hello.

Recipes, Uncategorized

Hello, D-DIY Brownies.

Today we made "special" brownies... ...and by special we mean NUTELLA *yay*. Shame on you for having detrimental stereotypes of teenagers. Lol jokes, luv u. So, on a serious note, we did in fact make egg-free, Nutella brownies! We cook a lot, so expect the odd recipe here and there! Found below is a rough… Continue reading Hello, D-DIY Brownies.


Hello, is it me you’re looking for?

Can you see this post in my eyes? Can you read it with your smile? Other than a small nostalgic throwback to my childhood of listening to my dad's Lionel Richie CD's, can you guess what this blog is about? Hopefully, there is a general theme of 'Music' throughout this article. For those of you… Continue reading Hello, is it me you’re looking for?


Hello, theatre.

Paige here doing a little solo post! Talking about something I love a lot and believe to be incredibly important: The Theatre. If I were to say to you that Theatre was a vital and founding element of society most of you would probably would laugh. And that's okay! I did the same when  my… Continue reading Hello, theatre.


Hello, nice to meet you.

Bonjour! Here, on this rainy evening, we just wanted to introduce ourselves to you lovely people! Think of it as a chance to get to know your two new fave people. Haha. And here we go... 1. What's your full name? L: Luke Thomas Child, what a great surname aye? P: Paige Stephanie Taylor, yes there… Continue reading Hello, nice to meet you.


Hello, world!

'Sup, World! How you doing? We're good, thankyou for asking! How exciting this is to finally be starting this blog (we've been talking about it for a while, ooops!) What you are witnessing here is the formation of the currently named 'Hello, Tenderness' blog; a blog that dictates the often contrasting opinions of a couple… Continue reading Hello, world!