
Hello, Faves n Uni.


Wiggity wiggity what is going on, people.

We are now both done with Uni for our first year. That is a crazy statement and it’s hard to believe but… its true!

These last few weeks have been rife with revision, working, organising, coffee, nights out in celebration and overall a lot of things that have been super cool. I thought it fitting that, now we’ve had time to see the beautiful city of Bristol from a first year uni perspective that isn’t solely clubbing and alcohol, that we’d share these places and things with you for your viewing pleasure (cheeky)

(P) My favourite place to grab lunch at uni: Boulangerie. These are a Bristol-based Baguette shop and they range from £1.80-2.40ish for a baguette filled with salad and fillings. My favourite is the mozzarella, pesto and sun-dried tomato baguette. It’s super popular, so there’s always a queue, but it makes my day so much better. (Also helps people avoid the wrath of hangry Paige).  They also serve veggie sausage rolls, amongst  ya meaty sausage rolls and pasties, overall! Great for some lunchtime noms.

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Okay so like, I like alcohol quite a bit, I’m not gonna lie. And as such, I find it fun to partake in the intake of such alcohols with my acquaintances…

What better to discuss than a pub, hey?

Meet The White Harte

Image may contain: house, sky, tree and outdoor

This cosy little number seems to have whatever you need:

-Local craft ciders and beers

-Adventurous food (my friend Joe had a Katsu chicken burger, looked amazing! And also Mac-chos, mac and cheese nachos. Damn, son).

-90s/00’s video games nights

-Live art exhibitions where people make art against each other and take votes on who wins

-Live comedy

-Sofas. In a pub.

You name it, they have it. It’s also close to our flat. Win win.


This one was a present from Lukey, the new Urban Decay liquid moondust in “Solstice”. This is a creamy red, and uber glittery! It’s definitely a ‘going out’ look, unless you’re a bold bee! You can layer up to make it as a bright as you’d like, but I normally dab once or twice and then spread with a brush for even coverage. The price is at £15.50, but for a cruelty free and a great brand, you can’t go wrong! I want to get the gold colour in ‘zap’ next, it would look lovely with solstice – a bold contrast.

(L) The actual nature-y parts of Bristol, though few and far between in the centre, are super pretty if you go out of your way to find them. Not too long back, during a beautiful, sunny day here in Blighty, I took a trip to Leigh Woods with flatmate and resident ecologist Will, to find and photograph birds, as well as the general surroudings!

The place is spectacular and is definitely worth visiting if you want to kick back for a few hours in the great outdoors, then here is for you! Best go in the summer though, it can look a bit barren if not, it does however offer some beautiful views of the Clifton Suspension Bridge!



I love Lola Lo. This is my favourite club in Bristol, and where I normally  head to on a night out. Even on Tuesday, we’d planned to go to ‘Mbargos and ended up in Lola’s. They have a great selection of music, it’s Hawaiian themed and they serve their tequila shots with pineapple juice, which is just revolutionary. What makes this place better is obviously the people I go with. Because it’s so popular it’s normally heaving with rowdy people, but as long as you can have a good dance with your gals, it’s a beaut place.

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Pinkman’s cafe fills all my coffee needs. Also my food ones. Pretty much all of them, tbh. If I was a Sim, I’d have full motives, that’s what I’m sayin’.

This gorgeous little cafe opposite BRI serves great coffee’s, as well as selling fresh grounds and nice teapots, as well as homemade sandwiches and breakfasts. They also sell off really nice artwork on their walls for really decent prices, and the friendliest staff who chat to everyone. It’s pretty much my bae now, sorry Paige.


On the topic of art work, my last choice for this blog is going to be a little shop called ‘Blaze’. They sell a collection of artwork from various artists ranging from £5-£100. There’s also lovely pieces of jewelry and crockery available to purchase. Whilst we visited, I couldn’t resist buying a beautiful A3 sized print of lots of water-colour whales for my friend Rosa, who is obsessed with beach/ocean related items. For ourselves we purchased this adorable painting by ‘hattiehat’ of people chilling in a pond- and I think the world should just be on big pool party. Edgy.

(L) And finally. Crabbo Stabbo.

Though it’s not here yet, I ordered a tee shirt from Inu Inu:

For some unbeknownst reason, I cried laughing when I saw this tee shirt, and just had to add it to my ever-growing collection. What even am I?


So that brings us to a close for the time being. Now we have no work to do (woop woop) we intend on being here more often. I have been making a stockpile of burgers that I am dying to share with you, so that’s a thing. Essentially, we’re back, with a brand new, metaphorical track. \m/

(P) That’s that for today folks! Tune in next week for more exciting blog posts from your favourite couple!! (We promise to blog more).


Stay happy!


L+P xo


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