
Hello, Special Blueberry Muffins.

(P) Why, fancy meeting you here! Today we’ve written up my perfected Blueberry muffin recipe!

We made this before for a friend’s barbeque and they just weren’t as good as they could have been, so on this summery day it seemed the perfect opportunity to improve it and enjoy the deliciousness. So here we go!

Ingredients: to make 16

220g  of self-raising flour

220g unsalted butter

130g caster sugar

3 eggs

2 punnets of blueberries

4 tsp vanilla essence

2 tsp cinnamon

To make this Vegan simply use 230ml rice milk and 150ml canola oil instead of butter and eggs!


  1. Cream the butter and sugar together until it is a smooth, fluffy consistency.DSCN3632
  2. Add eggs and vanilla essence together and whisk.DSCN3638 Slowly add and mix into the mixture, ensuring it is thoroughly combined.DSCN3639
  3. Sieve the flour into the mixture and fold together.DSCN3644
  4. Add cinnamon-  I wanted these quite flavourful and spicy , if you want less than add less! Followed by the blueberries!DSCN3647
  5. Put into cases and place on a baking tray.DSCN3650 Bake for 20 minutes on 200 degrees/gas mark 6 until fluffy and golden brown. (Top Tip! For the perfect muffin, touch the top of the muffin and it should spring back up.)13695928_1714972388769537_237244914_n

(L) Luke’s Verdict:

These muffins for starters looked like they’d come straight outta an artisan bakery, they looked the part and really tasted the part, too. The blueberries were gooey and sweet but still really juicy, as well. The muffin part itself was good cause we added extra vanilla, and that made them very flavourful, as well as the fact they were super puffy, too. I would have liked a bit o’ dark chocolate in ’em, but I suppose fruit will do. 😉


(L&P) Well that’s been another recipe for ya, here! If your muffins taste berry good, let us know so!


L+P xo


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